A new innovation best practice from PROPAIS

January, 31, 2020

One of the core activities INSME carries out is the collection of innovation best practices. The aim is to give successful projects, initiatives, policies and programmes implemented by key actors worldwide high visibility and share best-in-class approaches with the INSME community that could take inspiration from these cases by adapting them to different contexts.

The latest best practice comes from Colombia and is an initiative implemented by PROPAIS, the Corporation for Small and Medium Enterprises Development (INSME Member) and focused on the development of a micro-franchising model in the country in order to generate sustainable income for low-income populations.

The project was supported by the Inter-American Development Bank and several activities were carried out, among which:

  • organisation of events to disseminate information and good practices related to micro-franchising with the aim to increase the awareness of the possibilities it may generate;
  • capacity buildings and trainings to support already established businesses which could need assistance or support in several areas such as market analysis, innovation, etc.
  • development of a market place bringing potential franchisors and micro-franchisees together through a virtual platform and a physical hub to facilitate the identification of potential opportunities.

The initiative reached very relevant results and PROPAIS managed to accelerate more than 50 SMEs and establish 71 new franchisees.

Discover more results as well as challenges and lessons learned in the implementation of this initiative here.

Source: The International Network for SMEs - INSME

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