High Growth Firms in the Iranian Entrepreneurship Environment

January, 25, 2021

Professor Jay Mitra, INSME board member, has published his latest experimental research on High-Growth Firms, focused on workforce agility and the mediation role of innovation.

High-Growth firms cover a central role in the economy, both at a national and international level. They constitute a top priority for policy makers and practitioners because of their high returns on investments and contribution to job creation and their benefits to the economy in general. Professor Mitra’s analysis takes a different perspective compared to previous research, as he focuses on investigating the extent to which workforce agility increases the likelihood of firms becoming HGFs in the high-tech manufacturing sector of a developing economy, and whether the relationship is mediated by new product innovation.  In order to establish whether or not HGF and workforce agility are linked by a cause-effect relationship, workforce agility is defined as a firm’s ability to detect unexpected changes and respond rapidly and with flexibility and proactivity. Plus, it is also considered a mediator variable, which is the introduction by the firm of a new innovative product in the duration of the research.

The study’s central point examines developing countries’ high-tech manufacturing sector, in this case Iran, which, thanks to this sector, is moving toward becoming a technology-hub; and the relationship between the workforce agility and HGF to design empirically informed strategies to create HGFs. The research was based on a cross-sectional survey, which establishes association but cannot prove causality. The study concluded by establishing the association between the high-tech manufacturing firms, workforce agility and the likelihood of becoming a HGF. These findings have great implications in different areas, such as management and policy consideration, and will be the basis for future research.

You can find Prof. Mitra’s work on HGFs here.

Source: The International Network for SMEs - INSME

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