INSME Vice President, Andrea Di Anselmo participated to the stakeholder meeting on the future of EIT and its Strategic Innovation Agenda

December, 21, 2018

With the aim to define its Strategic Innovation Agenda for 2021-2027 the European Institute of Innovation & Technology – EIT invited experts and professionals from all over Europe to participate to a strategic stakeholder meeting in Brussels on the 29th of November.

The meeting was set up to discuss and explore the next steps to be done to enhance the impact of the support measures the EIT offers to its community and to attract new potential members pursuing the EIT’s mission to boost innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe.

As INSME is a recognized player in the field of innovation and technology transfer – which are the focus of the EIT activities – the Association has been invited to share its view and contribution to the meeting. In that occasion the Network has been represented by its Vice-President, Mr. Andrea Di Anselmo (Vice-President and Founding Member at META Group) who highlighted that INSME global outreach could contribute to enhance the replicability of KICs’ (Knowledge and Innovation Communities) results and make them accessible to a larger scale, to offer innovation policies and best in class approaches from all over the world and further stimulate the discussion and analysis on innovation-related topics.

Source: The International Network for SMEs - INSME