South East Asia Going Digital

October, 30, 2019

South East Asia is one of the most dynamic regions in the world with an average of growth of 5.1% per year from 2011 to 2015. The OECD has conducted an extensive Going Digital project which identified seven key policy areas that are crucial to the digital transformation: enhancing access to communication services and related technologies; increasing the use of digital services and applications; unleashing digital innovation; ensuring good jobs; promoting social prosperity; strengthening trust; and fostering marketing openness.

Based on these seven policy areas the OECD recently released the report “South East Asia Going Digital: connecting SMEs” which highlights that a crucial element to enable SMEs to fully embrace the digital transformation is connectivity. According to the report the use of broadband access for all companies has to be promoted since it should increase the productivity and competitiveness in the region.

In addition it is crucial to promote the use of digital services and tools and to raise the digital awareness and trust in digital services from both consumers and businesses.

Discover more by reading the report available at here.

Source: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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