Commercialization of Research

Research regimes constitute the building blocks of innovation, especially in the sciences. Scientific and technical research drives helpful and often trailblazing approaches to the resolution of many problems affecting the human condition. Yet, the record of commercialization of such research is mixed across the globe. While many countries and institutions in those countries are convinced that connecting researchers to markets (and thus initiating a concern with outcomes of research) is a strong driver of economic growth, too often such efforts fail to institute processes to assure that the fruits of such research are more broadly disseminated. Often, they seem to adopt straight-line approaches to markets that, in a globalized environment, are sub-optimal. The preoccupation with “venture capital” is often used as a strategy without a grounded understanding of the limitations of this and other, similar approaches. Instead, a “network-centric” approach involving partners, buyers, and adopters of “open innovation” assures a more holistic approach to the commercialization of research and more useful (and usable) outcomes in a world that more connected now, despite the divisions that are evident. This network-centric approach emphasizes the growth of enterprises more suited to the notion of commercialization as a ‘long and winding road’, while maintaining a continued connection (“feedback loop”) with research efforts. This session will explore aspects of this approach which has generated strong results as typified by the work of Larta Institute in the U.S. over two decades.

Data: October, 23, 2014 | From 3.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. - CET

Relator: Mr. Rohit Shukla

CEO, Larta Institute, USA

Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Larta Institute, based in Los Angeles, California. The organization has provided entrepreneur education design, commercialization and management services, technology transfer expertise, technology assessments, and business assistance to public and private clients since 1994. He has consulted with multilateral organizations like the OECD and the World Bank and governments across the globe on their initiatives and policies impacting small and medium sized enterprises. His paper on the Network Centric Model of Entrepreneurial Assistance was one of 12 selected from across the world and featured by the Kauffman Foundation at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Liverpool in 2012. The Network Centric model is employed in Larta’s work. He has also written extensively on venture capital, the life sciences, entrepreneurship and globalization. He is currently an advisor to the Alternative University in Bucharest, Romania, and to several non-profit initiatives in enterprise education in Asia and across the U.S. He speaks frequently before private and public audiences in the U.S. and overseas, and has been a frequent guest of regional and national governments in Scandinavia, Western Europe, the Far East and all over the United States. Mr. Shukla holds a Masters in Social & Political Sciences from Cambridge University, England, and a Masters in Communications Arts and Sciences from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles.