Annual Meeting 2024

20th INSME Annual Meeting

“Unlocking Sustainable Finance for SMEs”

14 – 15 October 2024

Rome, Italy

Co-organized with:



INSME is pleased to celebrate its 20th Anniversary this upcoming October, alongside its members and partners. 

The idea of launching an international initiative for SMEs was conceived in 2000 by the Italian Government and introduced as part of the OECD Bologna Process on SMEs, which was a set of endeavours agreed to by OECD members to implement recommendations adopted during the OECD Ministerial Conference on SMEs and Globalisation in June 2000. The resolutions in the first OECD Ministerial Conference on SMEs were set forth in the Bologna Charter in SME policies which included a reference to the set-up of INSME as a gateway and effective interlocutor for governments committed to implementing policies in support of SMEs. Thus, in February 2004 the network became an independent legal entity, increasing its partnerships and activities and enhancing its commitment to SMEs through several projects, initiatives, and policies.


In recent years, the global agenda has recognized the urgency of addressing societal, climate changes as one of the most pressing issues facing countries, leading to the increase of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) considerations impacting small and medium-sized enterprises worldwide. Global efforts to achieve climate mitigation are particularly significant in the economic sphere and have crucial effects and consequences for entrepreneurship and SMEs. Indeed, tackling the climate crisis calls for the green and net zero transition of millions of SMEs, which have a significant aggregate environmental footprint (at least 50% of the greenhouse gas emissions of the business sector) and need to adopt cleaner business models. Moreover, as eco-entrepreneurs and eco-innovators, SMEs also have a critical role to play in devising innovative climate solutions (OECD, 2024).

In light of this, the demand for more sustainable products and greater transparency and accountability of financial institutions and large corporations concerning their environmental and social performance has grown in recent years, prompting even SMEs to adopt the new financial sustainability and ESG integration standards as customers seem more incline to favour sustainable businesses and products. Examples of this include the mandatory sustainability report (European Commission, 2023) for large companies which is promoted by the European Commission and its ripple effect on smaller realities. 

The 20th INSME Annual Meeting aims to explore the new dynamics of sustainable finance with a focus on ESG integration, and to study their present and future impact on SMEs, highlighting the main obstacles they face in adopting sustainable financial practices and the opportunities that may arise from its implementation. Although most SMEs are only at the beginning of their journey to net zero and account for a relatively small share of sustainable finance investments, they need to equip themselves with the financial tools and resources needed to align with the new demands of investors, regulators, and policymakers. 

Accordingly, the drivers for Financial Institutions (FIs) and large enterprises to provide sustainable finance to SMEs are growing. Increased demand for sustainable finance from investors, reputational considerations, and the emergence of new products and market opportunities afforded by the green and net zero transition are driving financial actors such as banks, FIs, venture capital, and large corporations to adopt sustainable solutions and apply them in their value chains. Equally, SMEs are encouraged to align with the new standards as their participation in value chains, access to finance and competitiveness increasingly depend on businesses’ ability to measure, report on, and improve their sustainability performance (OECD, 2022).

Nevertheless, the road to green growth is marked by several constraints for SMEs. When it comes to accessing sustainable finance, besides the longstanding barriers in accessing finance resulting in limited access to capital markets and difficulties in obtaining loans, SMEs face additional challenges. It is therefore crucial to investigate the main shortcomings and hurdles that slow down the green transition for SMEs to structure tailored policies, recommendations, and guidelines. It is, thus, necessary to consider the main difficulties faced by SMEs such as the lack of data related to SMEs’ environmental performance, lack of a homogeneous methodological approach to define and measure environmental sustainability, lack of knowledge and expertise, technological, market and regulatory uncertainty and resource constraints (OECD, 2024).

In conclusion, ensuring that SMEs have access to affordable financing suitable for their sustainability-related needs is an essential priority for policymakers, financial institutions, and governments seeking to accelerate the business sector’s net zero transition.

CONFAPI – The Italian Confederation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Confapi (Confederazione Italiana della piccola e media industria) is an association of 86,000 Italian SMEs that foster SME development through dialogue with the Government. Since 1947 Confapi has stood for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which represent the core of Italian economic and industrial system. The Confederation acts on behalf of Italian SMEs, safeguarding their interests and promoting actions aimed at the national and international development of associated industries at the political level. According to its primary mission, Confapi maintains a constant dialogue with governmental Institutions and social associations to propose appropriate laws and economic measures. Confapi also implements initiatives and programs aimed at promoting Italian economic development in cooperation with national and European institutions.


Unioncamere – Sala Longhi, Piazza Sallustio 21, 00187, Rome, Italy

Unioncamere, formally known as Unione Italiana delle Camere di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura, represents the system of Italian Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts, and Agriculture. Established to support and promote the interests of businesses across Italy, UNIONCAMERE comprises a network of over 60 Chambers of Commerce nationwide. These chambers serve as crucial intermediaries between local businesses and governmental authorities, offering a range of services that include business registration, trade promotion, market research, and economic development initiatives.


The Agenda may be subject to change depending on speaker availability. Please check the page for updates.

N.B. All times are indicated in CEST, please check your time zone here.

The working language of the conference will be English.

Conference Program – Monday 14 October 2024

9:00 – 10:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee

  • Sergio Arzeni, President, INSME, Italy
  • Valentino Valentini, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Italy
  • Cristian Camisa, President, Confapi, Italy
  • Christoph Ahlhaus, President, BVMW-German Mittelstand, Germany
  • Alessandra Ricci, CEO, SACE, Italy
  • Miriam Koreen, Senior Counsellor on SMEs, OECD, France

11:20 – 12:10 Session 1: Sustainable finance, is it an oxymoron?

The role of key economic and financial players is pivotal in driving the transformation of SMEs towards sustainable finance by leveraging their influence, resources, and expertise to foster a culture of sustainability within the SME sector. From banks to investors, these entities can leverage their influence and resources to drive sustainable practices within SMEs. Moreover, the discussion will focus on elucidating the primary tools and mechanisms available to aid SMEs in meeting the stringent standards mandated by sustainable finance initiatives.

The panel will discuss the following issues:

  • What is the role of key economic and financial players in supporting the transformation of SMEs toward sustainable finance?
  • What are the main tools to help SMEs comply with the standards required by sustainable finance?

Chair: Prof. Jay Mitra, Founder of IEF, Essex Business School, United Kingdom

Panel discussion with:

  • Mariangela Siciliano, Head of Education, Business Promotion and Supply Chain, SACE, Italy
  • Andrea di Anselmo, President, META Group, Italy
  • Aurora Candel, Director for SMEs, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Romania
  • Sophia Kassidova, Head of Strategy and Green policies, BDB, Bulgaria
  • Aladdin D. Rillo, Managing Director for Policy Design and Operations for the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia.

12:10 – 13:00 Session 2: Integrating ESG and Innovation

Integrating ESG principles into SME policies yields significant benefits in fostering innovation, enhancing social impact, securing competitive advantage, and promoting sustainability. This approach, indeed, drives innovation by encouraging the development of sustainable products and processes, thereby opening new market opportunities and customer bases, while also enhancing resource efficiency and reducing operational costs. Moreover, this commitment to sustainability allows SMEs to attract socially responsible investors and unlock funding and opportunities.

The panel will address the following issues:

  • How can SMEs thrive by integrating ESG?
  • What are the opportunities and innovation benefits of integrating ESG?

Chair: Giovanni Zazzerini, Secretary General, INSME, Italy

Panel discussion with:

  • Vasso Kyrkou, Head of International Relations, Enterprise Greece, Greece
  • Martin Ruppert, Managing Director, IMP3ROVE, Germany
  • Massimo Deandreis, Director, SRM Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy
  • Guillermo Alarcón, Director, Secretaría Distrital de Desarrollo Económico, Colombia
  • Bruce Billson, Ombudsman Small Enterprises and Family business, Australia

14:00 – 14:30 Networking Lunch

  • Simona Vultaggio, Manager Education & Connect Solutions, SACE, Italy

14:30 – 15:30 Session 3: Supporting Policies and ESG Regulation

Stricter environmental regulations and carbon pricing mechanisms could impose compliance costs and operational constraints on SMEs, particularly those with high carbon emissions. Speakers will analyze the existing regulatory landscape and discuss what is being done, and what must be done to ensure SMEs don’t drown in the sea of sustainability.

The panel will address the following issues:

  • What are the main regulatory barriers SMEs face in complying with ESGs?
  • What has been the feedback from SMEs thus far in pilots or in the framework already in use?

Chair: Hamsa Thota, Founder of Innovation Business Development Inc., USA

Panel Discussion with:

  • Orkhan Mammadov, Chairman of the Board, KOBIA, Azerbaijan
  • Lorenzo Galanti, Director, ITA, Italy
  • Pasquale Salzano, President, SIMEST, Italy
  • Giovanni Rossi, General Director, Promos, Italy
  • Sulisia Erza, Chair, APINDO – Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia/Indonesia Employers Organisation, Indonesia
  • Abed Fattah Alkayed, CEO, Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation, Jordan

15:30 – 16:30 Session 4: The Twin Transition

The twin transition encompasses the concurrent digital and green transformations necessary to enhance the competitiveness and sustainability of SMEs. Achieving this requires SMEs to cultivate crucial digital competencies, including advanced digital literacy, proficiency in data analytics, sustainable operational practices, and innovation management capabilities. However, SMEs encounter several challenges such as constrained financial resources, limited access to cutting-edge technology and expertise, and the intricate challenge of integrating digital advancements with environmentally sustainable practices.

The panel will address the following issues:

  • How can SMEs harness the twin transition to improve their ESG performance?
  • What is a success story of positively leveraging ESG to tackle the twin transition?

Chair: Paola Zerilli, Senior Lecturer, University of York, England

Panel Discussion with:

  • Giuseppe Tripoli, Secretary General, Unioncamere, Italy
  • Said Charna, Senior Advisor, Union for the Mediterranean, Spain
  • Raimund Broechler, Senior Researcher & Innovation Manager, Netcompany Intrasoft, Luxembourg
  • Boyko Takov, CEO, Bulgarian SME Promotion Agency, Bulgaria
  • Qamar Saleem, Global Head, SME Finance Forum, United States
  • Sebastiano Toffaletti, Secretary General, European Digital SME Alliance, Belgium

16:30-17:00 Summary of the outcomes and closing remarks

20:00 – 22:00 Gala Dinner 

INSME General Assembly – Tuesday 15 October 2024

10:00 – 11:30 INSME General Assembly (Members Only)

Members of the General Assembly are informed about ongoing and future activities, projects and achievements, including the INSME 2023 financial statements and the forecast for 2024. Delegates share updates about their projects and initiatives and new members introduce themselves.

11:30 – 13:00 Brokerage Event

The Brokerage Event is a prime opportunity to connect, collaborate, and innovate with fellow INSME members and partners. Attendees will gain valuable insights into current funding opportunities in the EU and globally, share best practices, and forge new partnerships for ongoing and future project proposals. This event promises a dynamic environment for learning from peers, brainstorming and pitching new initiatives and driving forward innovative projects.

If you would like to make a short pitch of your organization, present a project opportunity to be developed jointly or if you are looking for a partnership, please get in touch with the INSME secretariat at

Participants can easily register for the annual meeting by accessing the registration link. This online platform allows individuals to securely submit their information and confirm their attendance at the event. Completing all required fields accurately ensures efficient organization and preparation. INSME eagerly anticipates welcoming attendees and encourages prompt registration to facilitate seamless participation.


Christoph Ahlhaus


German Mittelstand (BVMW)

Before he was appointed Federal Managing Director of the BVMW eV in July 2023, Christoph Ahlhaus was a member of the German parliament, a councilor, an interior senator, and the first mayor of Hamburg. As chairman of the Conference of Interior Ministers in 2010, Ahlhaus earned cross-party respect as a close advisor to the federal government in internal security. Ahlhaus has been working as an independent lawyer in Berlin since 2004. He has also made a name for himself in legal circles with his expert opinion on the constitutionality of the IT Security Act. Further stations were the German University for Administrative Sciences in Speyer and the German-American Chamber of Commerce in New York. As General Secretary of the Federal Economic Senate, the excellence committee, and think tank of the BVMW, Ahlhaus has made a name for itself as a knowledgeable supporter of medium-sized companies for many years.

Guillermo Alarcón


Secretaría Distrital de Desarrollo Económico, Colombia

Guillermo Alarcón is the Director of Business Development and Employment at Bogotá’s Secretariat of Economic Development. He holds a degree in Economics from the National University of Colombia. He has earned three master’s degrees: in Public Policy from the University of Chicago, in Economics from the University of the Andes in Colombia, and an MBA from the College of Advanced Studies in Administration (CESA). With over 14 years of experience in both the public and private sectors, Guillermo has held significant roles including Director of Housing and Leasing at Asobancaria, Advisor at the National Infrastructure Agency (ANI), and Specialized Professional at the Financial Regulation Unit (URF) within Colombia’s Ministry of Finance. Additionally, he has contributed to academia as a professor at several institutions, including UIS, Jorge Tadeo Lozano, and CESA. Guillermo’s extensive expertise makes him a leader in driving economic development and policy innovation in Colombia.

Sergio Arzeni


International Network for SMEs – INSME, Italy

Sergio Arzeni is President of the International Network for Small and Medium Enterprises – INSME. Mr. Arzeni is also a Senior Advisor of Friends of Europe; an Executive Member of the Global Coalition for Efficient Logistics GCEL; Member of the Advisory Board of SRM, the Research Centre on the Mediterranean of Intesa San Paolo Bank, in Naples; Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies (published by Sage Publishing in London, New York and New Delhi). For over 30 years he has been the Director of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) in Paris responsible for SMEs, Local Economic and Employment Development, and Tourism.

Bruce Billson


Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise (ASBFEO)

Bruce Billson is a respected Australian politician and business advocate. Born on January 26, 1966, he served as the Member for Dunkley from 1996 to 2016 with the Liberal Party. As Minister for Small Business from 2013 to 2015, Billson worked to reduce red tape and enhance support for small businesses. After retiring from politics, he became the Executive Chairman of the Franchise Council of Australia and was appointed Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) in 2021. In these roles, Billson has been a steadfast champion for small business owners and family enterprises, advocating for their rights and working to ensure their success in a competitive market. His dedication and expertise have made him a key figure in Australia’s business community.

Raimund Broechler

Senior Researcher & Innovation Manager

Netcompany Intrasoft – Luxembourg

Raimund Bröchler joined INTRASOFT Intl. in 2004 and he has more than 17 years of experience in the Innovation, Consultancy, Research and Technology Transfer field. Because of his leadership skills, and experience as a coordinator and project manager, he runs strategic projects with volumes of +10 Mill€. He is the Head of two INTRASOFT project labs; Innovation Services Lab and Factories of the Future Lab. Dr. Bröchler has been twice re-elected as Vice President of INSME, a position he has held since 2007.

Cristian Camisa


Confapi, Italy

Cristian Camisa is President of Confapi, the Italian Confederation of small and medium-sized industries, the most important Italian organization of small and medium private industries (116.000 industries and 1,2 million employees). He is President and CEO of T.T.A. (Tecno Taglio Acciai), a family business founded in 1976, specialising in cutting, trading, and processing sheet metal, special and stainless steel. He has been a member of the national board of Confapi since 2012 and in 2020 he became Vice President. He was also President of Confapi Industria Piacenza, the local association of Confapi. Since July 2015 he has been a member of the Central-Northern Italy Advisory Board of Unicredit, one of the most important Italian banks. 

Aurora Elena Candel


SME, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Romania

Aurora Elena Candel is the Head of Public Affairs for Business Environment within The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, in Romania. In charge of foreign affairs in matters of SMEs and entrepreneurship, she is also a coordinator of the implementation of the National Resilience and Recovery Plan and the coordinator of Romania’s accession to OECD. She started her career in public administration, as an advisor for an ex-prime minister, while she was still in high school. She built legal expertise within three central institutions, representing the entities of The International Court of Arbitration. In the sector, she worked as a consultant on public affairs and business matters.  Aurora has an overall experience of 6 years in the management of the board of directors of 5 state-owned enterprises in the defence industry. As a highlight of her work for the defence industry, it is to mention the incorporation of three joint ventures between Romanian and foreign companies.

Said Charna

Senior Advisor

Union for the Mediterranean, Spain

Said Charna is an accomplished diplomat currently serving as Senior Advisor for the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), an intergovernmental organization promoting regional dialogue and cooperation among 42 member states from Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. With a distinguished career in international relations and diplomacy, Said has been instrumental in advancing Algeria’s interests on global platforms while fostering collaborative relationships with countries worldwide. His strategic acumen and negotiation skills have been pivotal in shaping bilateral and multilateral agreements that enhance peace, security, and economic development. Said Charna’s expertise also encompasses cultural diplomacy and sustainable development initiatives. His role at UfM underscores his commitment to promoting stability and prosperity through diplomatic channels, solidifying his reputation as a respected figure in Mediterranean affairs.

Giovanni Da Pozzo


Promos, Italy

Giovanni Da Pozzo serves as the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone and Udine and President of Promos, an organization dedicated to promoting economic development and internationalization initiatives. With a strong background in business and commerce, Giovanni is a pivotal figure in advancing the economic interests of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region in Italy. His leadership at the Chamber of Commerce focuses on supporting local businesses, fostering trade partnerships, and advocating for policies that stimulate growth and innovation. As President of Promos, Giovanni spearheads efforts to enhance the region’s competitiveness on the global stage, facilitating international trade missions and promoting investment opportunities. His strategic vision and commitment to sustainable development underscore his contributions to both organizations, driving economic prosperity and fostering a vibrant business environment in Pordenone, Udine, and beyond.

Massimo Deandreis

General Manager

SRM – Economic Research Centre related to Intesa Sanpaolo Group

Massimo Deandreis has held several distinguished roles throughout his career. From May 2016 to June 2023, he served as President of GEI (Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori), showcasing his leadership in fostering young entrepreneurship. Currently, he serves as the General Manager at SRM – Intesa Sanpaolo, where he oversees the strategic direction of the research center affiliated with the banking group. Massimo also contributes to academia as a Contract Professor of Business Management at the University of Turin’s Management Department. Previously, he held the position of General Director of the Chambers of Commerce of Piedmont and was responsible for their Brussels office, residing there for five years. His international engagement includes collaboration with the OECD, where he is a member of the Working Party on Entrepreneurship and SMEs. Massimo is also an accomplished author and co-author of numerous publications on topics related to business economics. His multifaceted expertise underscores his commitment to advancing economic research, business strategy, and fostering entrepreneurship globally


Andrea Di Anselmo


META Group, Italy

Andrea Di Anselmo is the vice president of META Group an international advisory and investment firm with offices in Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Sweden and Belgium (Brussels). He is the Past President of INSME (the International Network for SMEs), and sits on the Board of Directors of META Ventures, the fund management company operating Ingenium Funds, EURADA, the European Association of Regional Development Agencies and several companies. Andrea’s most recent professional experience is at an international level and concentrates on challenge-based innovation, innovation strategies (S3), financial tools and support to “Knowledge Intensive” enterprises and entrepreneurs, and exploitation of research results. He has a background as a civil engineer and research experience in materials science at the University of Storrs Connecticut (USA).

Lishia Erza


Indonesian SME Association

Lishia Erza is a distinguished leader in sustainable finance and digital transformation initiatives in Indonesia. As the Executive Board & Investment Working Group Advisor for KEM, she spearheads efforts to mobilize USD 200 million into sustainable businesses, particularly benefiting SMEs in sustainable commodities. Her leadership at ASYX earned global acclaim, being recognized as the World’s Best Sustainable Finance Solutions Provider in Supply Chain Finance by Global Finance Magazine. Lishia’s influence extends internationally; she co-authored Indonesia’s sustainable investment guidelines at the G20 Summit and is a noted speaker on renewable energy finance and sustainable agriculture. Recognized in multiple prestigious lists including the Global Top 100 Women in Supply Chain and Top 100 Women in Fintech, Lishia continues to drive impactful change through entrepreneurship, coaching, and advocacy for sustainable practices.

Lorenzo Galanti


Italian Trade Agency (ITA)

Lorenzo Galanti, born in Stuttgart in 1968, is a seasoned diplomat and leader in international relations. He began his career after graduating from the Faculty of Political Science “Cesare Alfieri” in Florence in 1993. Throughout his diplomatic tenure, Lorenzo has held significant roles at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and served at Italian Embassies in Syria, Senegal, and the United States. His tenure as Ambassador to Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos from 2018 to 2022 underscored his dedication to fostering economic cooperation and diplomatic relations in the Asia-Pacific region. Lorenzo’s leadership in promoting Italian businesses abroad and attracting investments led to his appointment as Director General of ICE Agency for the Promotion Abroad and Internationalization of Italian Companies in August 2023.

Abed Fattah AlKayed


Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation, Jordan

Abdel Fattah Al Kayed is the CEO of Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) and a respected marketing expert, branding strategist, and advocate for startup and SME policies. He previously served on the Board of trustees of the King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD) and founded the Daem Center, a non-profit organization dedicated to advocacy and public opinion shaping. With over 25 years of experience in both public and private sectors, Al Kayed drives initiatives that promote entrepreneurship, attract investments, and enhance Jordan’s business competitiveness. His strategic leadership and media savvy amplify the impact of developmental efforts, positioning JEDCO at the forefront of economic development in the Middle East.

Sophia Kassidova

Head of Strategy and Green Policies

BDB, Bulgaria

Sophia Kassidova has over 25 years of distinguished experience in banking, finance, and government consultancy across the Black Sea region and Central and Eastern Europe. Currently leading strategic and sustainable development at the BDB (Bulgarian Development Bank), she focuses on integrating sustainable finance principles into bank operations. Sophia’s career highlights include serving as Vice-Minister of Economy and Vice-Minister of Transport during Bulgaria’s 2001-2005 government, where she negotiated crucial reforms and financing agreements with international institutions. She also served as CFO of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank and held roles in commercial banking and the Bulgarian National Bank. Sophia holds academic credentials from Oxford University, University of Reading, Central European University, and the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. Fluent in English, Greek, Russian, and Czech, Sophia embodies a deep commitment to sustainable development and economic reform.

Vasso Kyrkou

General Director

Enterprise Greece

, Greece

Vasso Kyrkou is a distinguished communications professional with over 20 years of expertise in managing comprehensive communications, marketing, and public relations campaigns. Currently serving as the General Director of Enterprise Greece and a Board Member of INSME (International Network for Small and Medium Enterprises), Vasso is instrumental in promoting investment and trade in Greece while fostering international cooperation among SMEs. Her career highlights include developing and implementing corporate communications strategies, digital and social media strategies, cross-platform content management, brand PR, and community outreach. Known for her proficiency in managing time-sensitive and confidential projects, Vasso is trusted by senior leadership to handle sensitive information and high-profile initiatives with discretion and strategic insight. With a proven track record in quickly understanding target audience needs and implementing successful strategic plans, Vasso Kyrkou continues to drive growth and enhance Greece’s global business presence through effective communication and strategic leadership

Orkhan Mammadov

Chairman of the Board

Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of

Orkhan Vidadi Oglu Mammadov was born in Baku in 1984. In 2005,  graduated from the International Relations Faculty of Baku State University. In 2005, completed the Business and Finance program at Regent’s University London. In 2009, earned an MBA degree at Odlar Yurdu University. In 2012, earned a second bachelor’s degree in Finance and Credit at Azerbaijan State University of Economics. In 2006, started to work at the Ministry of Industry and Energy. From March 2007 to February 2018, held various positions at the Ministry of Economy, including serving as senior advisor and deputy head of the business development policy sector, deputy head of the foreign economic relations sector and head of the interstate economic cooperation sector. During his employment in the Ministry of Economy, participated in nearly 100 international meetings of various working groups and joint intergovernmental commissions, and was directly involved in the organization of a number of international events. On February 27, 2018, was appointed Chairman of the Management Board of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Fluently speaks Azerbaijani, English, Russian and Turkish.

Jay Mitra

Founder IEF

International Entrepreneurship Forum and Director Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, Essex University Business School, UK

Jay Mitra is a Professor of Business Enterprise and Innovation. He is a Visiting Scholar at Luneburg University in Germany and has held Visiting Professorships at the Institute of Management Technology in India, the School of Management, Fudan University in China, Bologna University, in Italy and Externado University in Colombia. He has acted as a Scientific Adviser to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) in Paris.  Prof. Mitra is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in the UK and is a board member of INSME (International Network of SMEs) headquartered in Rome. He also leads the International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF) a unique network and forum for researchers, policymakers and business practitioners working on entrepreneurship, innovation and regional development.  He has written widely on different aspects of entrepreneurship, innovation and economic development, and his latest book is ‘The Business of Innovation’ published by Sage in 2017. He is the editor of the ‘Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies, also published by Sage and a member of the board of numerous refereed journals around the world. He has worked with various institutions around the world such as UNCTAD, UNIDO, ASEAN, EU and other government agencies and private sector organisations.

Alessandra Ricci


SACE, Italy

Alessandra Ricci has served as the CEO and General Manager of SACE since May 2022. Born in Rome in 1969, she holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from LUISS University. Alessandra brings over two decades of expertise in international corporate finance to her role. She began her career at Mediocredito Centrale in 1995, specializing in Project Financing across Europe and emerging markets for ten years. Joining SACE in 2005, she held progressively senior positions, including Chief Business Officer and Chief Marketing & Underwriting Officer. From 2017 to 2020, Alessandra led SIMEST as CEO, focusing on facilitating the international expansion of Italian businesses. Returning to SACE in 2020, she directed strategic initiatives such as Garanzia Italia and the Green New Deal, aimed at supporting Italian companies’ liquidity and ecological transition. Alessandra Ricci continues to drive SACE’s mission in enhancing Italy’s business competitiveness and sustainability efforts. 

Aladdin D. Rillo

Managing Director for Policy Desing and Operation

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Indonesia

Aladdin D. Rillo is a distinguished economist and senior figure in regional economic integration, currently serving as Assistant Director and Head of Finance and Macroeconomic Surveillance at the ASEAN Secretariat. With a career spanning pivotal roles at ASEAN, including Senior Economist and Deputy Secretary-General for the ASEAN Economic Community, he has been instrumental in shaping ASEAN’s economic policies and integration agenda. Dr. Rillo’s expertise extends internationally, having served as Senior Economist at the Asian Development Bank Institute in Tokyo and Senior Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Toronto. He holds a PhD and MA in economics from the University of Hawaii, complemented by an AB in economics from Ateneo de Manila University. A prolific author and lecturer, Dr. Rillo’s research on ASEAN economics and regional integration issues underscores his commitment to fostering sustainable economic growth and development across Southeast Asia and beyond.

Martin Ruppert

Managing Director


Martin Ruppert is the Managing Director of IMP³rove—European Innovation Management Academy and a prominent figure in Kearney’s innovation and R&D management teams. With extensive global experience, he specializes in guiding organizations through innovation strategy development, portfolio optimization, and the creation of innovative business models. Martin is a distinguished author, contributing to numerous publications on innovation management, and has co-authored the Global Innovation Index reports for 2015 and 2016. His collaboration with the World Economic Forum includes leading projects like “Fostering Innovation-Driven Entrepreneurship in Europe.” Martin also serves as an advisor for transformative initiatives such as “Collaborative Innovation – Transforming Business, Driving Growth.” His work continues to shape and advance innovation practices worldwide, emphasizing the strategic importance of innovation in fostering organizational growth and competitiveness.

Qamar Saleem

Global Head

SME Finance Forum, USA

Qamar Saleem is the SME Finance Head at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), where he leads initiatives aimed at promoting knowledge exchange and best practices in SME finance globally. With over 30 years of experience in global financial services, Qamar previously served as the Manager of Financial Institutions Group Advisory Services for Asia and the Pacific at IFC, overseeing integrated investment and advisory solutions across MSMEs, gender, climate, digital, housing, trade, and supply chain finance. He has held various leadership roles at IFC since 2012, including global technical lead for SME and supply chain finance and regional SME banking lead for EMENA. Qamar is recognized as a thought leader and industry mentor in SME finance, leveraging his extensive background with international organizations like HSBC, Standard Chartered Bank, and Deutsche Bank prior to joining IFC. He holds an MBA and multiple certifications in strategy, climate finance, digital banking, and leadership.

Pasquale Salzano


Simest, Italy

Dr. Pasquale Salzano, born in 1973, is a distinguished figure in international affairs and energy geopolitics. He currently serves as President of SIMEST and Director of European and International Affairs at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti since December 2019, having previously chaired the Fondazione CDP from November 2020 to November 2021. With a legal background, Dr. Salzano graduated in Law from the University of Naples Federico II in 1996 and holds a PhD in International Law from the University of Siena. Starting his diplomatic career in 1999, Dr. Salzano held pivotal roles including Chief of Staff for the OSCE mission in Belgrade and establishing the Italian diplomatic office in Kosovo. He later served in New York at Italy’s Permanent Mission to the UN and as Sherpa for the G8 Summit during Italy’s presidency. His career highlights include directing the Heiligendamm/L’Aquila Process at the OECD and leadership roles at Eni, overseeing international institutional relations. Dr. Salzano is a member of several boards and institutes, contributing extensively to publications on energy and geopolitics. He is recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

Mariangela Siciliano

Head of Education, Business Promotion and Supply Chain

SACE, Italy

Mariangela Siciliano is a Chartered Marketer with over twenty years of experience in managing integrated marketing and communication projects across private sector, public sector, and academia. Currently at SACE since April 2018, she oversees “Education to Export” initiatives and Corporate Shared Value activities. Previously, Mariangela served as Director of Marketing at UKEF, the UK’s export credit agency, and held roles in strategic marketing at BIS (Business, Innovation and Skills) within the UK government. Her career highlights include leading high-profile MarComms campaigns for international organizations and government bodies such as the European Commission, ILO (International Labour Organisation), and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mariangela is also a Teaching Fellow at Luiss University in Rome and an Accredited Partnership Lecturer at ECBM in London, specializing in Strategic Management and Brand Management. She contributes to academia through publications with Franco Angeli and as a guest lecturer at Birkbeck University, focusing on international marketing and public administration.

Boyko Takov


Bulgarian Development Agency, Bulgaria

Dr Boyko Takov is the Executive Director of The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency, appointed by an Order of the Minister of Economy, Mr Emil Karanikolov, dated November 12, 2018. Dr. Takov has a proven executive management track record and over 12 years of experience in business management. He spent four years at The Executive Agency “State Property of the Ministry of Defense“, where he served in various expert positions. From 2008 to 2012 he was CEO and member of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian subsidiary company of a leading South Korean energy company. He earned his doctorate in Economics, Industrial Engineering and Management at the Technical University in Sofia and his Master’s degree in Marketing and Economics at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia.

Hamsa Thota

Founder and PresidentI

BD Inc., USA

Dr. Hamsa Thota is the founder and president of US-based Innovation Business Development (IBD), Inc., a company specializing in product innovation performance improvement. He has 40 years of accomplishments as an inventor, entrepreneur, innovator, and teacher. He trains and consults with organizations to improve new product success rates in the US, China and India. He holds 10 U.S. patents. He co-authored “Key concepts in Innovation”, a fundamental reference book for practitioners, students and scholars of innovation. He served as a senior advisor to the U.S. Art of Science Learning (ASL) project. Under his guidance, ASL project teams explored connections among arts-based learning and scientific innovation. Working in Innovation Incubators operating in San Diego, Chicago and Worcester, MA, the project teams developed STEM-based novel solutions to pressing civic challenges.

Sebastiano Toffaletti

Secretary General

European DIGITAL SME Alliance, Belgium

Sebastiano Toffaletti is the Executive Director of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance in Brussels, co-founded in 2008. Leading Europe’s largest association for digital Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), representing about 20,000 companies, he advocates on EU policies including cybersecurity, data economy, IoT, privacy, AI, and standardization. With a master’s degree in Management, Economics, and Industrial Engineering from the University of Bologna, Toffaletti authors articles and position papers on topics like Intellectual Property Rights, Standards, e-Skills, Net Neutrality, and Cloud Computing. He serves as an expert in EU working groups, chairs the SMEs Working Group at ECSO (European Cybersecurity Organisation), and since 2014, is a Board member at ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). Toffaletti’s contributions drive European digital policy and standards, ensuring SMEs have a strong voice in shaping the continent’s digital future.

Giuseppe Tripoli

Secretary General


Giuseppe Tripoli has been the Secretary General of Unioncamere since January 1, 2016. With a distinguished career in public administration and economic development, he previously served as the SME Envoy and the Director General for Internationalization Policies and Trade Promotion at the Ministry of Economic Development from 2014 to 2015. From 2009 to 2014, he was the Head of the Department for Business and Internationalization at the same ministry. Tripoli has extensive experience with Unioncamere, having served as Secretary General from 2001 to 2009 and Vice Secretary General from 1996 to 1999. Additionally, he was the Vice Secretary General of Confcommercio from 1999 to 2001 and the Delegated Advisor of C.I.S. S.p.A. from 1992 to 1996. His academic background includes research roles at the Public Administration School of the Chambers of Commerce and at the Philosophy of Law chair in Catania and Rome. His career reflects a strong commitment to supporting Italian businesses and economic growth.

Valentino Valentini

Deputy Minister

Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Italy

The Honorable Valentino Valentini was born in Bologna on June 28, 1962. After earning a degree in languages from the University of Trieste and working as a professional interpreter, he became an official at the European Parliament in Brussels in 1987. He later earned a Master’s in Business and, in 1999, became the Executive Assistant for Political and International Affairs to Silvio Berlusconi, President of Forza Italia. In 2001, he was appointed Head of the Office of the Prime Minister and Special Advisor for Foreign Relations. Elected to the Chamber of Deputies in 2006, he served on the European Affairs Committee. Reelected in 2008, he continued as Special Advisor for Foreign Relations to the Prime Minister. In 2013, he joined the European Affairs Committee and the Italian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Following the 2018 elections, he became the leader of the Foreign Affairs Committee. Since October 31, 2022, he has served as Deputy Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy.

Giovanni Zazzerini

Secretary General

INSME, Italy

Dr. Giovanni Zazzerini is the Secretary General of INSME – International Network for Small and Medium Enterprises, a legally recognised organisation founded in 2004 by the Ministry of Economic Development and the OECD. Since 2008 he has been working as an expert for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Development Cooperation projects in China and Vietnam. Since 2012 he has been an expert for the European Commission Service offering assistance in the valorisation of research results, the commercialisation of innovation and the development of business plans. Previously, for almost 15 years, he worked as a consultant in the field of innovation, entrepreneurship and internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises. He is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Perugia. His areas of specialisation are innovation management, entrepreneurship and marketing.

Paola Zerilli

Senior Lecturer

University of York, UK

Dr. Paola Zerilli is a distinguished academic and expert in finance. She currently serves as the Director of the MSc in Finance and Investment at the University of York, where she is also a Senior Lecturer in Finance. Dr. Zerilli lectures in the Department and her expertise lies in applied financial econometrics, with a particular focus on energy derivatives. She has direct experience with financial markets, having worked for several years as a trader on Italian Treasury bonds at Crédit Agricole Indosuez, Milan branch. In addition to her academic roles, Dr. Zerilli is the Scientific Coordinator for the SUPER-i, SUPERSHINE, and MARINEWIND projects at HORIZON2020 and HORIZON EUROPE, initiatives of the EU Commission. Her expertise spans various areas, including financial derivatives, risk management, and quantitative finance. She is actively involved in interdisciplinary research projects and collaborates with industry professionals to bridge the gap between academia and the finance industry. Dr. Zerilli is also a sought-after speaker at international conferences and seminars. Her work not only enhances the academic community but also provides valuable insights for financial practitioners and policymaker.