For import and export activities, companies are increasingly using the maritime mode that now accounts for almost 70% of worldwide trade. In this scenario, strategic planning and logistic choices of SMEs need to be based on an accurate consideration of geo-economic changes and emergent players in the shipping industry and maritime logistics. How to deal with China’s major presence in the Mediterranean and in the transport sector? What kind of impact is expected from the new Suez Canal on cost/time transportation? How could technology and the new competitiveness among Ports improve logistic performances? Significance and implications of these phenomena for SMEs will be presented and discussed during the webinar.
Geo-economic changes and emergent players in maritime economy and logistics: impact on SMEs strategies

Relator: Mr. Massimo Deandreis
General Manager, Economic Research Center - SRM related with Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group & President, Italian Society of Business Economists - GEI ItalyFrom 1995 to 2000 Massimo served as Head of the Italian Chamber of Commerce delegation to the European Union. In 2001 he was appointed General Manager of the Piedmont Regional Chamber of Commerce in Turin, a position he held until October 2008. Since November 2008 he has worked for Intesa Sanpaolo Banking Group where he served as Head of Cabinet of the President of the Bank; subsequently he was appointed General Manager of SRM, the position he currently holds. Massimo is currently contract professor of Business Management at the Department of Economics of the Turin University and he has recently been appointed President of the Italian Society of Business Economists. He graduated in International Economic Law at the University of Turin and earned a second degree in International and Diplomatic History.