META Group wins the largest contract ever awarded by the European Commission to support impact from research projects!

May 29, 2020

META Group (holding INSME Vice Presidency) is the leading partner of “Impact Booster”, a consortium which won the largest contract on Dissemination and Exploitation ever awarded by the European Commission. Throughout the next four years the consortium will have at its disposal € 12 million to work on a contract called “Common Support Service for Dissemination, Exploitation and Valorisation of Research Results”.

The Impact Booster will support researchers throughout Europe to unleash their innovative potential and this will contribute to reverse the trend known as the European paradox, that is related to the fact that despite Europe accounts for 20% of global research investment and produces one-third of all scientific publications, there is a limited capacity to convert scientific breakthroughs into usable results and industrial and commercial successes.

META Group has a longstanding experience in supporting researchers and together with the consortium will mobilize more than 200 international experts who will guide researchers in generating impact on society, economy, environment, and policymaking.

Discover more here.

Source: META Group

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