The European Commission presents its 2021 work programme

December, 1, 2020

The European Commission has adopted its 2021 work programme with an emphasis on new legislative initiatives to be undertaken during the upcoming year. Although the 2020 work programme has been only partially followed and achieved due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the crisis also presented opportunities to be exploited in the innovation and technology sectors.

The Commission’s focus in the year ahead will be twofold. First, the Commission will continue to put all its efforts into managing the crisis and start drawing the lesson from it. Second, it will accelerate on the transformative agenda and on the implementation of the NextGenerationEU, the EU temporary instrument to boost the recovery of SMEs through a stimulus package of €1.8 trillion.

The Commission’s action follows the principles of the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Paris Agreement and it is organized under six headlines:

  1. The European Green Deal
  2. A Europe prepared for a digital age
  3. The implementation of the SURE programme, to avoid the conversion of the health crisis into a social one
  4. The update of the geopolitical strategy
  5. The European way of life, to set up a structure to detect and manage cross-border health threats
  6. The European Democracy, to foresee the regulation, implementation, and enforcement of EU law.

Click here to download the full work programme.

Source: The International Network for SMEs - INSME

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