The session will offer SMEs comprehensive insights into strategies and best practices for identifying the right brand – from both legal and commercial perspectives – for promoting their business and commercializing their products and services. It then covers the fundamental principles of brand selection and management, as well as how to create, develop, and maintain a strong brand identity and trademark protection. This knowledge will help businesses connect with their target audiences and stand out in the market. Key takeaways include selecting a new, strong brand that is highly distinctive and free of negative meanings in foreign languages, carrying out preliminary searches, and seeking professional support for data interpretation. Additionally, the webinar will teach how to secure a brand in all jurisdictions of potential interest and use priority to postpone costs, also covering the importance of monitoring markets and competitors’ behaviors and activating a global surveillance system.
Brand Management

Relator: Elio De Tullio
De Tullio&PartnersElio De Tullio is a lawyer and trademark attorney specialized in Intellectual Property, with 20 years of experience in assisting SMEs for the protection and exploitation of their intellectual property rights at international level. After 10 years of experience in IP matters, in 2005 he founded the IP tech-law firm De Tullio & Partners, with offices in Rome and Bari and a liaison office in New York. He cooperates as an expert with significant agencies and governmental bodies related to IP such as EUIPO in Expert Groups (ECP6 – Supporting SMEs), EU Observatory Expert Groups (SMEs, Legal) and Working Groups (Enforcement) as well as with Italian Ministries (Foreign Affairs, Economic Development, Agriculture), European Commission (in particular, EASME as Coach of SME Instrument) and WIPO (SME Division). Since 2013 he has been one of the experts of the EU-China and the EU-South East Asia IPR SME Helpdesks. He is also an expert and lecturer of the Italian Trade Agency (ICE-ITA). Additionally, he is the author of several publications and articles on Intellectual Property, also translated into foreign languages (Chinese, Russian, German).