Given its global outreach and diversified pool of Members, INSME has a privileged and primary point of view on best practices in the field of innovation, technology transfer, entrepreneurship and SMEs support worldwide. With the launch of the new website, INSME has also kicked off an online observatory of programmes, initiatives, projects and policies endorsed and implemented by key innovation players that represent successful and ‘best in class’ approaches.
This month we are pleased to present the Research Helicopter, a service implemented by META Group (holding INSME Vice Presidency) and helping research team to commercialize research results.
With the support of a panel of more than 40 experts, META Group offers a wide array of customizable services, ranging from coaching to advisory and mentoring sessions targeting universities, research centres, public and private institutions such as the EU DG for Research and Innovation, ENEA (the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), Ministries and Regional Authorities. This service has been successfully implemented in diverse EU projects: within the fet2rin, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, the success rate related to the projects’ proof of concept reached the 50% (the average rate ranges from 8% to 12%). Within the Common Exploitation Booster (CEB), META Group provided 193 tailored services to 1872 organisations involved in 236 projects. All participants involved were surveyed and according to the feedback results: 91% were satisfied with experts’ skills and knowledge; 79% gave a positive feedback on the usefulness of findings and recommendations.
To learn more about the success factors of the Research Helicopter, please read the complete best practice here.
Source: META Group