During the 15th INSME General Assembly that took place on the 6th of June in Naples, INSME Members voted for the election of the new INSME Governance for the mandate 2019 – 2021. The assembly confirmed Sergio Arzeni as President and Giovanni Zazzerini as Secretary General for the next two years. Starting from this year, the INSME Board will rely on the experience of an additional Vice President to the Network: Mario Ohoven, President of BVMW The German Mittelstand (INSME Member). Since 2002, Mario Ohoven has also been President of the European umbrella organization of national SME associations European Entrepreneurs, in Brussels. Mario Ohoven has been widely recognized for the work done in favour of the entrepreneurial middle class and among the diverse acknowledgments the European Prize of the European Institute of Economics and the Oskar of the German middle class stand out. Mario Ohoven joins Mouza Al Nasri, Executive Director at Khalifa Fund For Enterprise Development (United Arab Emirates), Raimund Broechler, Senior Research & Innovation Manager, Head of Innovation Services Lab & Head of Factories of the Future Lab at Intrasoft International Luxembourg (Granduchy of Luxembourg) and Andrea Di Anselmo, Vice-President & Founding Member at META Group (Italy), who have also been confirmed as Vice Presidents for the next mandate.
For a complete overview on the INSME governance, please click here.
Source: The International Network for SMEs - INSME