META Group (holding INSME vice presidency) together with the University of Belgrade and the University of Liège, has developed BOSS – Business Opportunity System, a platform to respond to the growing need for connections between education, research and business.
The BOSS platform addresses students, researchers and teachers who are interested in acquiring entrepreneurial skills and develop business opportunities by offering them:
- A business opportunity self-assessment tool including relevant questions related to team, technology, market, unique value proposition, IP, and financials;
- A business opportunity development planning tool, a canvas that gives a clear picture of the important elements to be considered in the process of business opportunity development;
- A business opportunity disclosure form, whose aim is to collect the information required to understand the results of scientific research and to evaluate these results for protection and commercial potential;
- Education materials, both pdf and video, focused on topics as team, market, intellectual property, technology, etc.
Discover more about the BOSS Platform tools and education materials at this page.