On the 8th of November, S.R.M. – an Italian Research Center for Economic Studies (INSME Board Member from Italy) and Intesa Sanpaolo presented the “Maritime Economy Report 2018 – Italy, China, energy corridors, ports and new routes: geo-maps of a changing Mediterranean” at the European Parliament in Brussels, under the patronage of MEPs Mr. Nicola Caputo and Ms. Tiziana Beghin.
During the presentation event, S.R.M. provided an overview on the fifth edition of the report that this year is based on four pillars: 1) a deep analysis of the maritime sector, with data related to port traffic and transits through big canals, as well as fleet figures trends and forecast on the global maritime economy 2) China’s investment in ports and logistics in the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Northern Europe 3) the energetic corridors as ports in Italy are a platform for the energy serving the continent and the entire Mediterranean 4) S.R.M.’s researchers hands-on experience in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bremen (Germany) and Malta. The report also offers a new key of interpretation: the idea of “Portuality 5.0”, a modern port, one step ahead of the industrial system, capable of contributing to the growth of the region by attracting investments that create jobs and boost the economy.
To learn more about the event, please have a look at the agenda here.
To find out more about the report and S.R.M.’s research project, please click here.