INSMEAcademy webinar Social Commerce and Distribution Channels in China with Value China

31 May 2022

On the 24th of May, INSME hosted the INSMEAcademy webinar “ Social Commerce and Distribution Channels in China”, a workshop dedicated to explaining the main aspects to take into consideration when planning a distribution strategy in the Chinese market, as well as sharing insights for selling international products with China.

The speaker for this session was Vincenza Caputo, Project Manager, at Value China, who began the session by highlighting that “if you are looking forward to operate in China and you don’t follow the trends, you are not going to last long”, which she proved to be true throughout the presentation with multiple examples ranging from digital to offline stores.

Starting with a quick overview of the Chinese market, the webinar went through the elements that characterize distribution channels, e-commerce, and social commerce, that interested parties should be aware of to take advantage of the opportunities that modernization opened through the years.

Ms. Caputo conveyed the magnitude and complexity of the Chinese Market ecosystem through multiple examples of the digital and offline channels, as well as the need for a constant stream of information, knowledge, and reliable partners when it comes to entering the big and diverse market of China and its 23 different regions, each with just as many, if not more, culturally diverse and economically demanding ecosystems.

Furthermore, Ms. Caputo explained how companies operate in China, and how targeted the products, services, and design are used when it comes to operating in the market, ensuring maximum profit, and gaining the trust of the potential customers, while also tracking their information and offering incentives for future purchases.

Despite the hardships brought to light by the presentation when it comes to entering the Chinese Market, Ms. Caputo ended on a bright note, stating that even in China there is a growing trend of awareness when it comes to environmental protection and green goods, pointing to a shift in consumption and a greater concern for animals and sustainability.

You can find the presentation from the session here.

Source: INSME Secretariat

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