The Annual Investment Meeting is a leading investment platform in the Middle East, which aspires to share positive transformation by creating investment opportunities, keeping solidarity, and developing economic relations among nations, as well as improving global economic growth.
This year, AIM’s annual event will take place on 8-10 May in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on the theme “The Investment Paradigm Shift: Future Investment Opportunities to Foster Sustainable Economic Growth, Diversity and Prosperity”. During this event, attendees will have the opportunity to address the fundamental challenges that nations are being faced with on their journey to achieving economic development, and to discuss investment trends and strategies that can be utilized to maximize the potential of every business, country and region to consequently enhance economic diversification.
Ticket prices are available online and INSME members can use a 10% discount code when booking their slot. If you are interested in participating, click here.
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Source: INSME Secretariat