The Business Performance Monitoring Tool by Sharakah

The Business Performance Monitoring Tool (BPMT) is an initiative launched by Sharakah – The Fund For Development of Youth Projects (S.A.O.C.) in 2014 to offer SMEs a structured mechanism that – by analysing their performances – identifies strengths and weaknesses as well as the most suitable way to overcome difficulties and obstacles hindering their competitiveness. Companies…
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The INTRASOFT International Internal Innovation Competition

The Internal Innovation Competition is a contest organized by INTRASOFT International S.A. to foster innovation as well as entrepreneurship within the company. During the eight-month process INTRASOFT employees worldwide were challenged to create innovative ICT-related products and services with the aim to promote innovation drawing upon the key message “Innovation is appreciated and will be fostered…
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The Research Helicopter

The Research Helicopter is a service supporting research teams in exploiting research results and bringing them to market. To fulfill this goal, the Research Helicopter offers a complete range of services: coaching, advisory and mentoring sessions that can be customised according to the needs of the client, the typology of the project or the sector….
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Pomeranian Export Broker

The Pomeranian Export Broker aims at creating a comprehensive support system for an international expansion of Polish enterprises. The project is implemented by the Free Entrepreneurship Association (INSME Member from Poland) among many other partners and is developed under the Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Voivodeship 2014 – 2020. In particular Pomeranian Export Broker is…
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Pomorskie regional Operational Programme

The Regional Operational Programme for Pomorskie Voivodeship 2014 – 2020 aims at increasing the competitiveness of the region, enabling each region to identify and develop its own competitive advantages by at the same time improving the living conditions of its inhabitants. The initiative involves the Free Entrepreneurship Association (INSME Member from Poland).  The programme is one…
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Regional Development Funds

The Regional Development Funds aim at providing SMEs with financial resources such as loans, credits, guarantees and capital investments. Part of the support is devoted exclusively to projects in smart specialisation areas identified in particular regions. The Regional Development Funds are based on the experiences and resources of the JESSICA Initiative (Joint European Support for…
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